Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Decisions, decisions

Well, now that my spring season plans are all shot to pieces due to pesky stubborn wee stone bruise, I am not sure what to plan.

I had entered Rotorua HT, just the training division to have an outing this coming weekend as he has only been back in proper work two weeks, although he is pulling my arms out of their sockets. Jumped him the other day (90/1.00 ish); yeegads! strong is not the word - it was a case of 'hold on mum we're going'. Needless to say, the wee lad was very happy to be jumping.

However, although I still struggle SJ, XC at lower heights is just awful on him - he plays around, spooks, backs off and generally just doesnt pay attention (and that just does so much for my confidence - NOT).

Sooooo, I am considering scratching from Rotorua and going to both days SJ at Hopuhopu. Would be much needed practice for me, plus close to home. Also as I would have to leave Friday for Rotorua, that would leave my 85 year old mum having to care for all the animals for several days as everyone else is also away.

Now I have to decide what to enter at Taupo; will probably can Puhinui, and aim at doing Waerenga and Richfields.

Talk about best laid plans!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


After Tommy's chiropractic work and a few days off, Willie was to be hacked for ten days. I did a few days just walk and trot, and have now incorporated canter work again.

Took him to WEC yesterday and today for some big paddock circuits, and long sedate canters - ha ha! Try doing sedate canters on a horse that is short of work, bored and full of grass. My arms and shoulders were screaming after one circuit - I did let him out a bit, but simply could not hold him.

Good to know he is feeling good however.

So where is my dinner?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Back into It

Finally was able to have a ride on Willie today.

He is to have ten days hacking upon Tommy Behrns' recommendation starting today. By my reckoning, hacking can include walk, trot, canter etc, but not dressage, jumping, tight turns or anything too strenuous sooooo....... I have entered Willie for Rotorua Horse Trial - just the training class so we at least get out and have some fun, and hopefully all going well we'll be back into pre novice after that? (if I can then get on and learn how to jump over 95)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fingers crossed

Well finally got the shoe back on Willie along with a leather pad, although there is still a pulse in the foot he didnt seem too worried about the shoe going back on, and has definitely been looking more comfortable on it - not sure he noticed his foot at all when they were all playing silly beggars in the paddock.

Then it's off to Tommy for a check up.
AMAZING guy....Willie was out in quite a few places, and now has to have 3 days off (in addition to the 3wks he has just had) then ten days hacking, then I guess back into it (if the foot also holds up of course).

So now in a real dilemma about entering Rotorua. As I had the shoe back on I had thought I would enter pre novice with the possibility of downgrading to training if he had lost too much fitness. Now my only real option is to do training but I am not sure it's worth the trip for one horse to toddle around training, as Kit was also seen by Tommy and his hip was right out (as Saarin has been telling me for weeks) and he has to have two weeks off, then ten days hacking, and so Rotorua is right out for him.

Hmmm decisions decisions.