Saturday, March 28, 2009

Norty pony!

Well, so much for having an easy run at training at Puhinui.

He was very tense warming up for dressage; the fact that he could see the xc jumps and flags I think did little to help. He is so wanting to have a xc run, that I think he gets distracted now (he's not been xc since Taupo last year)

Came 18th in his class on a grand score of....eeeek 53% - pretty disgusting for him, although the test wasnt as bad as I had anticipated it would be.... he actually didnt do anything wrong.

Show jumping> well we have now had our very first E at training level! He warmed up fine (and this weekend there was no 'foot' excuse...he felt absolutely fine)... started off ok, then he had a wee try out stop at a filler, which having been successful (I basically sat like a prune and did nothing), he carried on around the course (over a couple of other fillers without blinking)...then onto the double....two stops and we were gone!

Went back out and he flew the oxer in the practice ring.

Pretty frustrating as the course was actually very small, and a nice flowing course. Not sure what went wrong, although I do know that my recent lessons went out the window. argggghhh

Unfortunatley, due to the numbers, anyone eliminated was not allowed to start XC, so once again poor willie has missed out on a run....I really think that he needs to have a run so he can have some fun!

So looks like I will have to scratch from Puhinui, and perhaps give him a run at training at Te Rapa, just to have a xc run to finish the season.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SJ lesson

Worked on maintaining even strides between poles

Then an exercise jumping an oxer, halting, turning round and establishing the 'right' canter and back over it with it gradually being made bigger. Yay, I started to sit up better and wait for the jump.

We then moved on to a figure eight over an upright, then round to an oxer, again maintaining rhythm (breathing) and just allowing the jump to come to us.

All in all very pleased with how we both went. I need to really work on the sitting up and waiting, and NOT anticipating, panicking, and tilting forward.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Show Jumping - 14.03.09

Now that Kit has gone, and I no longer have to fund Saarin's riding, I am going to make sure that I have REGULAR lessons.

Had my first show jump lesson with Wendy yesterday, and we worked on keeping the rhythm into a fence (using very small jumps), and WAITING for the jump. It felt quite strange, and I tried very hard to sit up more, and not go for the long one. Willie was actually very good, and was very soft to ride, but it is going to take some getting used to coming into a fence without him grabbing hold and going for it (and of course then sometimes deciding last minute to stop). Hopefully also, if I can get into the habit of sitting up more, then if he stops I will be less likely to go splat.

Today, I had planned on doing two small rounds so that I could practice sitting up, keeping the rhythm and waiting for the jump.

80cm...Although he did throw a cheeky one in at the double (guess he couldnt resist, and I wasnt exactly using my legs), I did feel like I was sitting more in the saddle, a little less tipped, and waiting for the jumps. One person did say I should be very pleased with how I rode it, so that's all good.

90cm.... Hmmmm, fine over the first few, then he (again) threw in a naughty stop, and proceeded to nap!! ... I am afraid after that my newly found position went out the window and I rode him somewhat more akin to my old style....however we did go clear over the rest including the double.

One other thing I found funny today, is that he napped both times going into the ring, and when I came out after the 90 he was very on his tippy toes, dancing sideways.

Autumn Season also off to a flying start- NOT

I had planned to go to Hunua as his first Autumn run. Unfortunately, Sampson's stitches burst on the Wednesday and I did not see how I could leave him for others to care for while he was still inside 24/ had to scratch.

OK....Well Hopu hopu is on that weekend, I will just go off and do a day of much needed show jumping. Sampson intervened again, bursting a whole lot more stitches and I was not happy to leave him.

Oh well, there is show jumping practice at Cambridge the following weekend, which turned out to be such dreadful weather that it was cancelled.

Then he managed to half pull a shoe and stand on the toe clip,
being lame even at the walk once it was back on....and we had Rotorua the next weekend.

By the Thursday he was still slightly off at the trot, but I decided to take him anyway...the ground had well softened up and on the Friday although pottery, he wasnt lame.
BIG mistake.
Pottery warming up for dressage and although obediant just wasnt himself to score basically dead last - a first for him.
Onto the sj...not a happy camper warming up, but he was jumping....until we went into the ring that is....I REALLY rode my butt off at the first, to have him slam on anchors. I belted him over it, and he slammed on anchors again twice at number two.
He then jumped the practice jump (X rail and small upright) absolutely dreadfully.

I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was still sore ( and he IS a wuss where his feet are concerned)...yes, he stops and takes the mickey, but not at the first jump....usually at the double, or one he thinks I might find spooky, and having stopped he will usually jump it fine. Only once before has he ever stopped at the first jump like that, and then been eliminated. On that occasion he was on three legs the next day.

Spring Season Summary

Not a very inspiring Spring season.

Starting with a nasty stone bruise two days after the training trial, giving him his first start Pre Novice some time later, which although not totally disastrous, could have been better.

Waerenga, proceeded to get ready for cross country only to actually chicken out of the XC. There were a couple of jumps I just did not like, and then I saw a capable rider fall off at one of them, and that was it for me. Silly really not to give it a go because of only a very small proportion of the course.

Richfields....this time was all set to go. He had been standing in the stinking hot hot sun since 8.30, and his dressage was well after 4.00. However, he starting jumping about when he saw the XC flags and the jumps as we went passed them, so all good signs.
Pretty good dressage to finish in top third of the field.

Next day, he had another day standing tied to the truck again in the hot sun from early until mid afternoon. Got on to warm up, and .... nothing....basically had no horse left under me. Really had to ride to even get over the practice jump - normally one sight of it and he goes for it. Disappointed as I had really liked the course when I walked it. However, with me not being an aggressive rider, I did not feel it would be sensible to start - Willie just didnt want to do it. I think if XC had been the day before we would have been fine.

Normally in Summer, after Christmas when the weather heats up, is when I start him on twice daily feeds with sweetfeed, but obviously he really needed the energy food to work on this Spring with it being hotter.

My Show Jumping outings also didnt exactly run to plan, with him pulling a shoe before even getting into the ring at one outing.

At the next, I had one NAUGHTY pony stop in the 90, another sudden stop in the meter (which decanted me), and I have to admit, LOTS of horses were stopping at that jump. And Frank rode him in the 1.05 for no stops - yep; he continues to take the Mickey out of me!