Tuesday, December 29, 2009

WEC Show Jumping - 27/28.12.09

Day One

90cm: I rode really well in that I did NO tipping, or eeek moments. I even clouted him on the approach to the double, he stopped at one jump and I clouted him then he jumped it.

1.00: terrible round. Got all panicked, and just didnt have it together even before going through the flags. He was too long, not round and under himself, and heavy in my hand. I'm afraid I tilted going into jump 3 (a pretty meaty oxer of well over 1.00 wide), and he stopped. Got over at second attempt, but he then stopped at first part of double...told him off and over we went. He was very 'hoony' and strung out. He then stopped at the last jump and I fell off...ooops

Went home pretty demoralised, only to be told by a friend that he was dirty etc etc...which I do not believe him to be. He is simply naughty and taking the mickey any opportunity he gets. Basically, I have to ride him.

Day Two

90cm: After yesterday I was very anxious to do well, and not stuff it up again. However, I felt I got it together and rode him well. No tipping at all, kept my leg on and sat up. He rewarded me with a lovely clear round, followed by just a rail in the jump off -it was at the first of a double where I had given him a reminder on the shoulder as he was starting to back off. Also got him straight over the liverpool.

1.00: Again felt a little anxious and hoped I could remember to breath, take my time, sit up and keep leg on. Which I did! He did stop at number 3, a squarish oxer; basically he had tried to tow me to the wrong jump and probably wasnt focussed (I am happy that I did nothing wrong), and he skidded to a halt right at the jump....got a telling off and away he went. I did give him a couple of reminders several strides out from the double, and although he backed off he went.
So just the one stop, although he did get a bit strong in that he kept trying to cart me to whatever jump he thought might be next, so turning was a bit difficult.

1.05: Felt a bit better now, and had done up his noseband THREE holes! And what a difference. He was soft light and round, and jumped a really nice round including the oxers, swedish oxer off a hairpin, and the double...although he started to try and spook and back off, but I did not tilt or give up, and growled and HE WENT...yay....I did hit him at the liverpool as he was again trying to spook, but he went.
Just the one rail (I think) at the double where he had tried to spook and dare me into tilting.

So all in all, a good finish to the weekend, and great for my confidence in myself.