Friday, September 5, 2008

Knocked off 1.20m

Had a quiet play with jumps at home, Willie popping over nicely.
Then spotted Saarin carrying poles, ... which she then added to the top of two of the jumps.
I was then told that I had to go jump them!
ummm.... ok
Willie jumped them beautifully, and I actually felt him spring a little from behind (which tends to be lacking over anything up to a meter). Then of course I had to measure them, so was very happy to see that we had negotiated 1.20 with very little effort at all.
Just shows that some of us really do need someone on the ground; not just to point out what we are doing wrong (which Saarin is actually very good at), but also to bolster us and push us a little.
XC play tomorrow - last one before the course closes.

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