Monday, June 22, 2009

Winter SJ - 21.06.09

I have a sneaking suspicion that the grass may be causing a few problems in both my lads.

WEC had a member's practice SJ yesterday at which the new jumps were unvailed. Some great fillers, two walls; one red brick type filler, and the other a grey castle with turrets, sign written fillers, and YAY, a liverpool.

Well, Willie was a demented flea. Spooking and carrying on at even the wee little x rail warm up, then dancing around all over the place.

He was very difficult to ride in both his rounds, taking a hold and charging at the fences, only to spook and prop before doing a hideous jump....although he elected not to jump the liverpool, preferring to dump me in it, and breaking his reins. Tied a knot in them and got back on, at which time he went doolally, spinning round and round in circles, before I managed to calm him down, jump the liverpool (badly) and carry on.

However, having been given magnesium on Saturday night, he was a different horse for the Kaurilands winter series. Keen and forward, but not at all spooky....basically he was great to ride, and apart from a lazy rail jumped well.

Couldnt figure out why my knees were sorer than usual however, till later that evening I realised I had some rather large bruises, no doubt from my intimate meeting with Mr Liverpool the previous day.

However, all in all pleased with how he went on Sunday.

Hoping to have photos to post, as there were photographers clicking away.

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