Saturday, November 28, 2009

Richfields Horse Trial

Entries closed for this event a while ago, so I had already entered before our uninspiring Waerenga start!
Oh well: might as well go anyway

I really needed to confirm to myself that our XC is not as bad as it would have seemed to any observers at Waerenga. Truly, anyone watching would have thought we should be doing pre TRAINING, let alone pre novice! - he was that bad!

Anyway, got the all clear from the physio/chiro lady, and funnily enough I noticed in his fitness work that for the first time in about 18 months he was maintaining a canter lead, rather than continually swapping and changing and cross cantering....which makes me think something has been slightly amiss for quite a while.

Dressage and XC day, - he 'seemed' ok.....although thanks to me giving him half a bale of haylage rather than hay to munch through in his yard last night, he was scouring quite badly.

He did spook quite badly going through any and all gateways, which wasnt a good sign, but he settled once at the arena and actually was his normal Willie self for the dressage, scoring only 4 marks off the lead for 6th spot in the class.

Onto the XC.

I really liked the course, and thought it imminently jumpable, with nothing that sent the heebie jeebies up my spine. Although talking to some others after the fact, they all felt it was a difficult course??? It certainly caused more than its fair share of trouble though.

He was a bit silly over the practice jump, taking off a stride early and leaping it...but at least he was keen.

Over to the start box, and after some napping (good sign for him) he got to the box only to find out that the course was held, after being held up for about 10-15 minutes off we went. He was pretty spooky over the first couple, but a few little reminders and he seemed ok over the next few, albeit having a huge spook when he spotted car and people at the brow of the hill.

Then we had big spooks getting through a double (wide) gateway (another couple with the whip and away we went).....then to the first of our stops....he spooked at a log going into the trees, a little look and off we went....over the combination, over the big hedge, down the hill the roll top and white rails, then BLATTED over the next couple (simple big rails in the fence line)....and onto the 'critter', a rather big solid filled jump into the kahikatea trees....another spook and stop (again jumping into trees - dark).... a wee look and off we went again, a few jumps later coming to the water combination.

I had given the 'a' fence of the combination little thought, feeling that it was the 'b' element (a largish log drop into water, at right angles to the 'a') that I would really have to ride to. However, I dont know what he spotted, but he was googling and spooking strides out....then he did it another two times....there were spectators beyond the fence, one with an umbrella, but normally that wouldnt worry him. I have to admit also, to having put the whip away after the first part of the course, and being spooky, he really needed more 'encouragement' to focus on the job - especially at spooky (light to dark) fences, and where he spotted something else spookworthy. Oh well :)

I am thinking that haylage was not the right thing to give him the night before, and have had lots of feedback from others indicating that haylage can indeed cause the 'spooks' .
Pretty silly of me really to have allowed him to have, gulp, half a bale overnight!
Even walking back to the truck he was a mission to convince that it was safe to go through the gateways.

However: on a positive note he was much more Willie like for the dressage, and was also a thousand times more rideable over the pre novice jumps (despite having an attack of the spooks) than he had been to try and get around training jumps. He was also a lot happier in himself - the last two outings he has been very grumpy and snarly, even to the point of really snarling at me when I went to put his gear on.

I am also pleased with myself, firstly for starting, and secondly for being committed to the XC. Interestingly enough, had I got through the water, I would have been held up AGAIN at the very next jump while the rider was taken off in the ambulance. To be honest, I am not sure I would have bothered continuing unless he had been clear to that point.

Now to get my show jumping back on track in time for the Autumn Season. :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SJ Leamington 22.11.09

Back on track?

Had the chiro sports massage therapist to both boys Wednesday.

She thought he was definitely not coming through evenly behind at the walk, and found some deep muscle problem which had probably been building for some time. So he had a general massage (which he thoroughly enjoyed) and then some specific work on the problem areas - which he didnt so much enjoy. I was to then avoid canter work to the right, but given the go ahead to show jump Sunday.

Come Sunday he felt absolutely fine on both reins, but I only entered the 90 and 1.00

He did have a naughty moment in the 90, came off a turn and stopped at an oxer. I was absolutely certain I did nothing wrong; I didnt tip, or do the 'oh shit' thing... so I turned him around, re-approached, and three strides out he got a 'whack, whack, whack'....his response? I'm going, I'm going, and so he did till the finish flags (brakes became pretty hairy though).

And the same in the metre. Three strides out from start flags, one whallop (well, a tap really) and away we went. He basically never thought of stopping and I had no 'moments' myself, so that's all good!
A couple of rails , but I had allowed him to get a little long and perhaps fast, but he had his adrenalin up and was enjoying himself.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Well; all going great in jumping lessons. Jumping much bigger than I will meet in Pre novice and he is doing it well. Basically jumping at Novice height.

Waerenga Horse trials, he simply lost the plot dressage. He has been VERY spooky and silly which is quite out of character for him....(he is on toxin binders and mag so not sure it is the grass??). However, he was extremely tense and uptight and doing sewing machine trot with neck up like a goose. I was unable to put my leg on him without him packing a tanty and exploding (which of course he did at canter transition). Scored a grand total of 47% for last place (almost unheard of for him).

SHow jumping he was a bit silly to start at practice jump (hooned at it, then spooked, backed off and did a stupid jump), but I worked through it till he felt fine. Went in, and I dont know what happened...maybe I froze and sat like a chook, I really dont know cos I thought the jumps looked pretty small....however, he stopped twice at first jump, belted him over and he backed off and slammed on anchors at number 2 (an easy peasy upright)...left ring and he flew practice jump, so I must be doing something (or not doing it).

Stewed on SJ overnight and decided to pop him around training XC even though I know he isnt the greatest to ride at that level having had a start bigger. Oh boy: he was AWFUL....ran through the bit, charged at the jumps then spooked and backed off and if he jumped it was a dreadful jump....he actually spooked and snorted at the bank (all of about knee height!) a few in the middle I felt myself get into the tippy forward thing, then got back out of it again. Made him trot over a couple, and actually they were probably the only jumps he made enough effort over not to clobber!

Not a very inspiring confidence building ride for me....(thankfully I know he is easier to ride when the jumps get bigger)

So: NEED to get my SJ shit together....I think it is a case of overcoming 'exam nerves', so is a matter of getting out there and doing show jumping till I really dont give a shit.

Planned to do training at Woodhill to start work on conquering SJ competition nerves....drove up Friday. Tried to take him for a ride, he trod on a stone and hobbled for a few steps (a la Willie)...he was still very spooky. Rode him in the sand arena...and he was fine on the left rein, but as soon as I changed to the right he was lame. Did some left canter and he was fine...right canter definitely OFF.

Put him away hoping it would resolve overnight.

No such luck....rode him out this morning and as soon as I trotted to the right on the sand he was sore, although OK to the left. So scratched before even doing my dressage....grrrr.

I had wondered if it was muscular, but the man looked at him and was very impressed with his muscles...said he was obviously fit and worked regularly....said his muscles were lovely and hard (no sign of any problems at all)....little bit of puffiness above fetlock joint, although no looking like a foot problem....that stone he trod on could well be the problem.

Let us hope he comes right in time for Show jumping next weekend at Leamington - that's the thing I really need to be doing.

As an aside, having walked two thirds of the training XC, there would be very little point in doing training there with Willie - it was basically pre training, and very very small. However, I think the SJ tends to be maximum.

Ok....let us see what the week brings....grrrr; but I guess that's horses for you.