Tuesday, November 24, 2009

SJ Leamington 22.11.09

Back on track?

Had the chiro sports massage therapist to both boys Wednesday.

She thought he was definitely not coming through evenly behind at the walk, and found some deep muscle problem which had probably been building for some time. So he had a general massage (which he thoroughly enjoyed) and then some specific work on the problem areas - which he didnt so much enjoy. I was to then avoid canter work to the right, but given the go ahead to show jump Sunday.

Come Sunday he felt absolutely fine on both reins, but I only entered the 90 and 1.00

He did have a naughty moment in the 90, came off a turn and stopped at an oxer. I was absolutely certain I did nothing wrong; I didnt tip, or do the 'oh shit' thing... so I turned him around, re-approached, and three strides out he got a 'whack, whack, whack'....his response? I'm going, I'm going, and so he did till the finish flags (brakes became pretty hairy though).

And the same in the metre. Three strides out from start flags, one whallop (well, a tap really) and away we went. He basically never thought of stopping and I had no 'moments' myself, so that's all good!
A couple of rails , but I had allowed him to get a little long and perhaps fast, but he had his adrenalin up and was enjoying himself.

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