Saturday, August 15, 2009

Another awesome clinic

Aren't clinics wonderful to get you going: I think its not only that you have great instructors, but that there are others that have just the same problems, the same issues of self belief, and I think also that being in a group you somehow feel braver and perhaps challenge yourself more?

We started both days with about an hour of dressage which was great, as poor Willie basically hasnt been schooled properly for several years, much less had a flat lesson. I really must get more motivated to do more flatwork with him as he deserves so much better; I'm afraid I just get so....'blah' about doing it. I MUST schedule at least a day each week where I will do more than go through the motions.

Show jumping yesterday, grids, related distances, curving lines....all focussing on keeping the rhythm.

Willie was great (and I dont think I was too bad either) stops, and no nearly stops, so that's good, and generally he jumped very well. He can tend to get a bit blase though, but I think a few times over the bigger jumps sharpened him up again.

Cross country today, and I was expecting him to be pretty blaah as he is not particularly fit yet, and he has had a hard couple of days. I kept him in the kk, thinking he would be fine.

ummmm: wrong....first jump; great....second jump; wahooooo and gone!! I simply had nothing, he tanked into it full tit, and upon landing basically took off.

However, although he was more difficult to ride, he was extremely keen and jumped very boldly. The secret was to MAKE him come back well before the jump, then ride on into it. He was excellent (again no stops or even nearly stops or anything)...did several corners, skinny, big palisade, sunken road, bounce, and water, plus a few others.

And I never once doubted him, neither did I doubt myself.....
My knees however are another story!
The achilles seem (touching wood crazily) to have settled somewhat, only for the knees to pack up - the one I injured when he planted me in a liverpool seems to be really complaining about short stirrups... oh well: I guess it'll simply mean a double dose of nurofen each time I compete :)

Oh, and the final Kaurilands was a disaster on Willie too!
Ummmm at one stage a leap and a something ?? and I am pointing in the wrong direction in my test, and it was all down hill from there...then riding back to truck, some sideways bouncing, napping, 'things'....hmmmm...time for Willie to come off the grass (free rein of four acres is perhaps overdoing it a little).