Sunday, July 26, 2009

LVF Day Two - 26.07.09

Yet another sunny day; this one even warmer.

Today after starting on the same kind of warm up exercises on the flat, we worked on XC exercises with show jumps; angled lines, corners, skinnies etc, finishing with a course using all the exercises includng a skinnie of two barrels upright, and a fairly meaty corner.

Willie was good: had a wee think a couple of times during the clinic, but again no stops, and I felt no anxious moments; just a quiet determination that the blighter wasnt going to have me on!

He was however jumping pretty 'blah', and being a somewhat 'dull' type of TB definitely jumps better when fit and full of feed. However, he definitely was enjoying himself, and thoroughly enjoyed the water jump schooling. He can back off water usually, but today he felt quite keen and brave which was great; he was just jumping a little flatter than normal.

He had worked pretty hard over the two days, and done quite a lot of jumping.

I was very pleased how we both went, and am really starting to look forward to the start of the season. Let's hope we can continue to build our confidence, particularly with those pesky show jumps!

1 comment:

Mel Baker said...

Awesome Fiona!! Roll on the season :)