Sunday, August 8, 2010

Kaurilands 08.08.2010

Having disappointingly missed the last outing of the Kauriland series with a very near miss injury (2mm away from 'doing' the tendon running between fetlock and heel in hind pastern), we were back to try again.

Willie went very well in his first test, being very obedient and not really doing too much wrong. He won that test with a score of 66.5%.

Unfortunately, being last to go in the second test, we were the 'lucky' ones to strike the downpour. Willie does not really 'do' rain, and all I can say is that to his credit, he did keep going....well, nearly! He basically tucked himself under and simply would not go finished near the bottom of the class.

However, despite that, he still managed to take out second place overall for the Master's series and fourth for membership. Pity we only got to do two of the four days of the series, but very rewarding to feel that we are on the right track, and that we should again be capable of getting better scores. I think over the past few seasons I have become a little lacking in my flatwork, and so Willie has fallen back.

Now, we just have to keep up the momentum, and continue with the "quality" schooling!

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