Monday, July 14, 2008

Green Grass Guzzlers

Willie has had a day in the really good grass and it has definitely had some affect already!
Not normally too much of a bucker, apart from the odd grumpy kick-up or yeehar when jumping, he really let rip at one stage. And much as I hate to admit it, came close to depositing pilot on the ground. Ok, let's give the boy a bit of a run - not too much mind you given his current bucketini mode - hmmm arms nearly pulled out of their sockets.

Today, back to good behaviour, thankfully. Just did some flatwork, walk demi-pirouettes, shortening (right up) trot and canter and lengthening. Actually got some decent medium trot today - he was really lifting and using his shoulder. Just popped over a couple of little jumps to finish which cheered him up.

Plan to jump tomorrow, in anticipation of both XC lesson Friday (eeeek) and Winter Show Jumping series Sunday (double eeek).

Although the Left Achilles was a little sore today, it was not bad enough to prevent me riding two.
Sox was also feeling the effects of her time off Jenny Craig, and on green grass, treating me to an enormous buck on her first canter transition. Despite still having a rather large tummy, due to lack of riding she has unfortunately lost her topline, and is now showing some rib. Hopefully if the weather doesnt deteriorate we will find time to keep riding her.

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