Thursday, September 4, 2008

XC Play WEC 04.09.08

As the WEC course closes this weekend we took an after school trip to have a XC play. Jumped a few training jumps on Willie, which he just plopped over, finishing up with the big palisade and the sunken road (which are also non events for him). He is just popping over whatever he is asked to, but is a MUCH nicer ride over the bigger jumps.

We had specifically gone to give Dawky a XC school, and what a naughty pony he was! Jumped everything he was asked to very well including ditches and water, but was VERY full of it, initially trying a bit of napping and dragging off with his rider sideways. But BUCK....geeze, he was really going for it; at one stage he bucked so big and high he nearly tripped himself up - but hey, what better reason to have another bucking spree. He is full of high spirits and has reached the point where he thinks 'he is the man' and knows it all - which of course he most certainly doesn't!

A few manners lessons were had during the ride.

I'm really looking forward to Taupo training trial (except for the SJ phase) and feel confident and happy about the XC, although it is yet to be seen how the achilles holds up - although I am probably so unfit that I shall expire before the achilles has the chance to get sore!

Unfortunately still no photos as we were both riding today. So to make blog look a little more colourful have put in photos from April with Gina riding - oh well, may not have been taken today, or be me, but its the right venue and the right horse :)
Hopefully will be able to illustrate a couple of draft entries later once I receive photos. (crossing fingers that the photographers on those occasions havent them from their records)

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